My research into this story started when my good friend Ned said, “You know the sculpture of the David, surely Michelangelo knew that David was Jewish and therefore circumcised,” and my conclusion was that he probably did. But he was working for the Catholic Church and couldn’t create a circumcised sculpture. Working in Italy at the time of the Renaissance his model wasn’t circumcised, and I’d say that Michelangelo probably had never seen a circumcised male member, as only the Jews were circumcised in Europe. This made me wonder, are there any circumcised classical sculptures or paintings? Did the Jews ever create a representation of themselves naked?
Having been born during the second world war in Amsterdam, of Jewish parents, I was brought up with horror stories of suspected Jewish men and boys having their pants pulled down on the street to make sure of their lack of foreskin, and then shipped off to concentration camps. (The movie director, Roman Polanski, survived in the Warsaw ghetto by making fake foreskins for his fellow sufferers)
Now I’m living in Australia where most men seem to be circumcised (don’t ask me how I know), when I ask questions of men about their fore skins, I find that most have never thought about it. In my research, only gay men, seeing other male members to compare with their own, seem to have a strong feeling about not having a fore skin, but every man I’ve mentioned it to has been interested in talking about it to me, and not at all in a suggestive way, but purely a philosophical one, which I can’t say for their women, who presume to know about their man’s feelings about his male member. Also the women think that I’m asking questions of the man for flirty reasons, and start point scoring on how many dicks they’ve seen. Such are the difficulties in research of this kind. The women who had experienced different dick's related some differences of physical aspect such as fore skins creating more lubrication and feeling softer. I say, what does it matter anyway, it’s the motion not the meat, as desire is in the mind not in the size, shape, or look of a dick.
I am interested to know how men feel about having had a physical part of themselves taken away. After all, the fore skin is there for a reason; every species on this earth that has a male member, has a fore skin. The reasons given for cutting it off differ from culture to culture, but the urge to mutilate goes on and on.
To be continued…